Monday 16 December 2013

My friend, the King

Good evening. It's been so busy this week that if it wasn't for Sophie reminding me to do my blog tonight, I think it may have slipped my mind. But another good week has been had here in Eston.

The Salvation Army's work in the community at this time of year is very much heightened, even though we work just as hard all year round. But here in Eston the work in the community is so vital. This week I had the oppurtunity to walk around the estate around the back of the hall, leafleting the houses around there. I can certainly say it was an eye opener, some of these pockets of houses were in areas that were clearly run down. But I had this I overwhelming feeling of God working in this estate, He is still God of this town. He is God of all, the rich, the poor, those who know Him and those who don't. We can only love them and be the face of Christ to these people! I can only pray that this week as the Christmas present appeal comes to an end that we will have the opportunity to bring hope and show love to these people who we shall come in contact with.

The pinnacle of the week for me was the absolute privilege of being able to lead worship here at Eston on Sunday. It was such a good time and I really felt that God was praised and put in his rightful place as Lord of all! I focused the meeting upon Jesus and who is Jesus to us as individuals. I looked at who Jesus was to the Shepherds and the wisemen and the message I felt God was leading me to preach is that at this Christmas time we need to know who Christ is to us. We need to know this Baby Boy who was sent from Heaven to Earth to be our friend and to be our King. For those reading this I urge you to ask the yourselves the same question, who is Jesus Christ to you? Is he an afterthought once all the festivities of this time of year are over, or is he the most important thing in your life? The Shepherds came and worshipped Christ, they were marginalised, they were outcasts but Jesus was their all sufficient Friend. The wisemen came and worshipped the Baby Jesus and these prestigious, intelligent people saw Jesus as their Lord and King. But there were many people that night who didn't pay attention and never got to meet Jesus, he wasn't important to them. Is that more like us at this busy time? We are too preoccupied by Christmas shopping, meeting family members, being busy at work. We forget about Jesus and the peace and love He brings. Do you know Christ this Christmas? Who is He to you?

Well I have big news, I go home on Saturday but I shall still be posting my blog. But it will be in the form of a video... watch this space! Any questions or you'd like something/somebody to be prayed for then do get in touch!

God bless


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